In the End, it’s Enough

I share the shower with a cockroach. It’s done. This is the day after the last show, and the end of the tour. We both go about our daily business, not minding the other.

The last shows were both very nice. 

The first show is in Tangerang, a western city in the greater city of Jakarta.  I come straight to the venue from the airport, leaving Malang this morning. The show  is in a small room on the top floor of a cool cafe. A cozy crowd hug close to the performers.  Five acts, three noise acts, one person playing homemade percussion and stringed instruments, and myself. The Jakarta noise acts were interesting in that there was a lot more use of ambient space, quietness, within the sets. Whereas Malang’s style seemed to be an unrestrained intensity.

The following days show is in the city of Serang.  I think it’s close by but I’m wrong. It’s about three hours all up in travel. Two taxis and two trains are required from Jakarta to Serang. The venue is reported to once upon a time belong to the first recognised academic from this city. A historian who specialised in history of this area. The building now is sparse. It is in the early days of establishing as an art space, a gallery, and an adjoining performance space. It’s the first time I see serious rain.

Stylistically, it is the most diverse show of the tour. Again, five acts.  A solo vocalist producing vocal loops and building beautiful layers over the top. This is accompanied by two dances who circle each other with markers between teeth and toes, making marks on both floor and face of the other.

I perform second and have the chance to play 30 minutes. I can tell I’ve grown into this act. It feels like it’s establishing a solid confidence that can hold this length of space. Third was a more ambient trio, one playing computer and keyboard, a second percussing time on a series of clay gourd-like instruments that I do not know the name of.  The third played wind instruments, sung, possibly in a Koranic style, and added movement.
BootyCall on fourth,  plays a short, sharp, and blistering blast in contrast to the previous.  The final act, a nine-piece band,  playing their first ever show, and get the place jumping.  I think they are essentially playing covers versions of a local act.  Everyone seems to know the words to every song.  Maybe it’s fun a local past pop band,  with a groovy Dungdut feel throughout.

And that’s it. Over. As successful as I dare not hope for. Time seems to have traveled slowly in these days.  It feels like a long two and a half weeks in the best way. The apprehension of the baggage discussed in that first post did not appear. This feels like an excellent milestone moment.

So what have I learned? Practical things like that the infrastructure upgrade in Indonesia over the last few years has made it that much easier to travel around. I’m told some services like Gojek have taken a much more central place since covid. They were unexpectedly prepped and ready to deliver contactless deliveries swiftly and are now an established and trusted service, as well as a massive employer across the nation.

Some personal learnings are around how to develop this musical project. The positive affirmations received after performances certainly give a confident boost to this idea. I don’t think I can say I saw anything similar to what i was presenting. The next step is simply to throw everything at this project to see where it can go, and what it might be capable of. I feel like the scope has opened and am excited to see how it develops. 

And I’m pleased to also learn that the connections made while traveling and playing continue to be something I want to experience. Close to the last show, I had a conversation with someone about how to identify ‘what is enough’. This question explores the motivations and expectations, reality studies vs hopeful ambitions, and the practical successes that may be achieved when experimenting in this space.

And I think to myself that there really is not too much more that I could want. What this trip has provided has been absolutely enough. Now, all I want is more of it, please.

Photo by Ahmad Dimyati, Serang, 2024


Leaving the city for the airport, the GoJek driver turns the stereo on and plays a Bryan Adam’s album. It’s cheesy and confounding-ly fitting. Syrupy in the cab, while outside the taxi window, the perpetual sound, the essence of noise bombing, of the existence of Jakarta, is everywhere.

Notes :
As I leave, looking out to the left, there is a large black and triangular kite, with a long black tail, fly over the blue and yellow tiled roof of a Masjid. There is a faint belt of smog on the horizon. The rest of the sky is blue and clear. The sun is full and orange, at in the direct and opposite direction.
There is a packet of scented something hanging from the rear view mirror in the taxi. It has the name Stella printed on it.

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